
The direction of wellness and diet culture has shifted dramatically in the past five years, which includes how it appears visually and the language around it. Our objective was to help SlimFast move into the future in a more culturally-relevant, healthy, and empowering way and to retain its positioning as a long-time leader in the diet and nutrition arena.

We took an equally dramatic approach, turning away from the word “fast” in regards to both food deprivation and haste and towards the word “fit,” meaning integration, fitness. SlimFit meets people where they are, refreshing a tired brand while maintaining the essence and mission.

Health is an ongoing journey, not an endpoint, and being fit means continually reaching for personal wellness and betterment.

Paola Rodríguez Borrés, Irina Limaico, Steven Mayer, Gabriel Porras, Joslin Roderick, Abby Shobajo




Repositioning Public Health